WIZO Connect

WIZO Victoria is running a new and exciting program that offers both WIZO members and non-members the opportunity to participate in a range of fun, active and educational courses.

The aim

The aim of this program is to give members of our Jewish Community in Melbourne the opportunity to meet other members while participating in meaningful and inclusive activities. We are hoping that this program will increase their social connection and reduce social isolation and increase their feeling of belonging to the WIZO family.

Loneliness survey

Isolation and loneliness are emerging as health epidemic concerns for the 21st century, with one in four Australians reporting being lonely, according to the Australian Loneliness Report (2018) conducted by the Australian Psychological Society and Swinburne University of Technology.

The survey confirms that people feeling lonely often experience:

  • poorer quality of life
  • lower feelings of wellbeing
  • discomfort in social situations
  • poorer social connections.

One of the most effective ways to reduce loneliness is to make people feel connected to their community, which is the goal of WIZO Connect.

The Program

The WIZO Connect program will begin the first week of May and will include:

  • Hebrew lessons run weekly
  • Mah Jong beginners’ workshops run weekly
  • Book Club run monthly
  • Gentle exercise classes for the over 80’s run weekly
  • Zumba Gold classes run weekly for over 50+
  • Art & Crafts workshops run weekly
  • Individual computer classes for 70+
Please do not hesitate to contact our WIZO Connect coordinator if you have any questions on wizoconnect@wizo.org