Ways to give

Bequest in your Will

There are a few ways to donate a Gift in your Will.

Leaving the whole of your estate or a percentage of your estate to WIZO.

Leaving the remainder of your estate, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate, to WIZO (this is called a residual gift).

Leaving bonds, stocks, real estate and /or tangible personal property such as antique, jewellery and art to WIZO.

Assigning your life insurance or superannuation, designating WIZO as your beneficiary or one of your beneficiaries.

Including WIZO as a beneficiary in your Will is surprisingly simple.

Option 1: Safewill

For straightforward Wills that do not include trusts, foundations and multiple companies and holdings, your Will can be done online through Safewill.

Safewill is Australia’s leading online will-writing platform, allowing Australians to complete their bespoke Will in less than 20 minutes on line and have it reviewed by a Solicitor.

After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you may also wish to leave a gift to WIZO. A gift in your Will can make a serious difference in transforming the lives of vulnerable Israelis, forever.

With Safewill, you can look after the people and causes closest to your heart, with just a few clicks.


Option 2: Contact your lawyer

If you have recently updated your Will, ask your lawyer to update your Will to ensure that your defined gift is left in your will to WIZO.

Get in touch

If you are interested in leaving a Living Legacy or a Gift in your Will to WIZO, or would like to notify us about your gift, please leave your details below and we will contact you within 2 business days.