Our Children’s Projects

The Shikun Mizrach Day Care Centre

Supporting disadvantaged families in Rishon Le Zion

From when it first opened its doors in 1971, the Shikun Mizrach Day Care Centre has provided a vital resource to families in an area that has seen a high rate of crime and drug use. The centre has three classes catering for about 80 children, a quarter of whom are welfare referred.

Devoted staff care for the children and are supported by an occupational therapist who volunteers services fortnightly. Therapists from the local municipality, assisted by WIZO volunteers, work with parents to assist them in caring for their children, as many suffer from emotional problems. The therapists, together with social workers, often visit the children’s homes to ensure their needs are being met.

The Maon Ve’od program provides extra activities for the children, in addition to the current activities that include story time, music hour, arts and crafts and gymnastics. Parents may opt to pay an additional fee so their children can enjoy enrichment classes, attend theatre performances and receive birthday, Channukah and Purim gifts.

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