Ways to give


Volunteer with WIZO Victoria

There are many opportunities for you to volunteer your time with WIZO Victoria. Whether you have just a couple of hours on a casual basis or whether you have a regular time slot, we would love to have you join our team. Often no skills are necessary – just a willingness to work with a committed group of like-minded women.

Blessing of the Chag

Help to package and/or deliver gifts to our older WIZO members either in private or aged care homes. The blessing of the Chag, where we deliver a gift to members, usually takes place before either Purim or Shavuot and Rosh Hashanah. Depending on how much time you have, you will be given a number of packs, along with a list of names and addresses of members to visit.

If the person is not at home, the pack is left on the doorstep.

If the WIZO member is home, you may be asked in for a ‘cup of tea and a chat’, which can be a highly rewarding experience for both parties. However, it is up to you to decide whether you wish to take up the offer.

You can help by:



Op Shop

The WIZO Victoria op shop is open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm. Assistance is needed selling items, sorting through donations and general tidying. If you have a few hours to spare, preferably at the same time each week, we would love to have you join our team.

You can help by:

Volunteering to help in the op shop at a time to be agreed upon

Volunteer for Yom Ha’atzmaut

WIZO Victoria runs a stall at the Zionism Victoria Yom Ha’atzmaut tekes (celebration). We organise a children’s activity and require members to operate the stall for a few hours, between 4 pm and 7 pm. Full instructions are given to members about the activity. We also require some assistance on the day, in setting up and dismantling the stall.

You can help by:

Setting up the Yom Ha’atzmaut stall in the morning

Dismantling the stall after 7pm

Working at the stall for a two-hour time period, to be agreed upon

General assistance in the office

Volunteers may be called upon to assist the office staff with:

You can help by:

Stuffing and addressing envelopes for mail outs

Helping answer the phones

Making phone calls to members

Scanning and photocopying

Volunteer for the In One Voice Festival

WIZO Victoria runs a stall at this Jewish street festival, usually held in March each year. We require assistance on the day:

You can help by:

Setting up the stall

Dismantling the stall

Operating the stall for a few hours – members are asked to speak to attendees about WIZO and to hand out flyers. Volunteers may be asked to assist with an activity specifically planned for the event. Full instructions will be given to members.

Pamper Packs

Twice a year, for Mother’s Day and Christmas, WIZO Victoria collects new, personal items from members which are then packed and donated to Koori women who reside in the Winja Ulupna Women’s Aboriginal Shelter, located in St Kilda. Assistance is needed:

You can help by:

Donating pamper items such as toiletries, makeup, perfumes etc.

Packing the items

Giving Day

Once a year, WIZO Victoria runs an online campaign from the WIZO office to raise funds for our WIZO projects. Assistance is needed to phone members to ask for donations.

You can help by:

Making calls to members for a two-hour time period, to be agreed upon