Ways to give

Leave a legacy

Leave Your Legacy

WIZO operates 800 dynamic social welfare and educational programs and projects throughout Israel, responding to the many challenges that citizens face daily, through all life stages. With WIZO’s help, the disadvantaged of today become fully contributing citizens of tomorrow

There are two ways of Leaving Your Legacy

A Living Legacy

For some people, donating part of their assets whilst they’re still alive provides them with a great sense of purpose and pleasure. They derive much joy at being able to witness the meaningful impact of their philanthropy during their

There are numerous ways to approach your Living Legacy. These include:

Donating a fixed cash amount (lump sum) to WIZO.

Donating bonds, stocks, real estate and tangible personal property such as antiques and art, to WIZO

A Gift in Your Will

For many people, leaving a Gift in their Will to a charitable organisation is a concrete expression of their desire to continue supporting a cause that they closely identify with in their lifetime. It enables them to continue making an impact well into the future, and in so doing leave a meaningful and purposeful legacy for future generations.

When considering what to include in your Will, your first priority is to look after your loved ones.

It’s important to talk to the people close to you about your wishes and the reasons why you might choose to leave a gift to WIZO.

How will your legacy be used?

Your Living Legacy or Gift in Will will be directed to support the highest priority needs that exist at the time of WIZO Victoria receiving your Living Legacy or Gift in Will.