Our Youth Projects

Ahuzat Yeladim

A residential school in Haifa for troubled youth

WIZO Ahuzat Yeladim is a therapeutic and post-hospitalisation residential school that offers support to troubled youth, aged 11 to 18 years. The school is a last resort for these young people, who have experienced abuse, rejection and neglect. They suffer from behavioural, emotional and psychiatric problems, and many have special educational needs.

WIZO Ahuzat Yeladim offers the youths an opportunity for healing and a chance to live a normal life and to succeed and find acceptance in wider society. The school has the capacity to house up to 100 students, who are cared for by a team of psychologists, social workers and teachers. The students are offered a range of innovative programs, including pet therapy, therapeutic gardening, and mentoring at a nearby naval base. Students completing some on-campus programs, such as hairdressing, cosmetics or cooking, are able to gain industry-recognised accreditation.

In 2010, the school opened a new dormitory, known as Ahuzat Ha’ktana, to house 15 students, aged 7 to 11, who were removed from their families for their safety. This project continues to evolve, as specific therapies are created and learning programs tailored to meet the individual needs of each child. The school provides a safe home for each student and an environment that empowers them to change their lives for the better.

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