17 November 2023 Who are the new anti-Semites?
By Anita Friedman
They shout “Free Gaza” even though it’s an independent territory • They support Hamas even though a quarter of Muslims worldwide are committed to undermining Western culture • The new anti-Semites have no idea why they’re anti-Semites.
New heights of anti-Semitism are being reached worldwide, every day: shouts of “Jews to the gas” in the streets of Western cities, without people being arrested or charged; Jews hiding in side rooms of American university campuses; heated speakers talking about the day when we will long for the orderly and civilized extermination methods of the Nazis. Even within Jewish communities worldwide, there is fear: at the beginning of the war, they were concerned about our well-being; now, in WIZO, we worry about theirs.
Read the full article HERE.