
WIZO Masada & Sassoon Yehuda – Make your own Mosaic Mezuzah

Date 13 March 2024
Time 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Location Location TBA Upon Booking
Cost (WIZO Member) $50
Cost (WIZO Non-Member) $50

Sassoon Yehuda together with WIZO Masada invite you to a very special event hosted by Mosaics by Miriam, a small business in Gush Etzion.

Not only will you be able to design and create your own stunning mosaic mezuzah, but you will be able to hear first hand of the impact you have made to one woman's business, and her family.

An incredible opportunity to support Israel, have a meaningful connection to your Jewishness, and have fun! Limited places to this unique event!

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